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Data Privacy, Personal Security, Secure chat

We don't retain your location data


Our vision is to be viewed as a trusted tool that allows people and businesses to safely exchange information, track locations, and communicate securely.

Image by Rob Hampson - Personal security, Maps, Directions and Chatting
Apps -top of the pge
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Secure Meeting organiser Secure messaging
MeetMe is a meeting organiser with a difference. Users can organise an agenda meeting as one does, however using Maps to specify the exact location, for a timed session. The app enables people-to-group communication (chat) and provides map direction functions. It is the perfect tool to organise meetings with friends, family, or acquaintances or others, without sharing any personal details like phone number or email addresses. The tracked trails disappear from the app after the meeting, leaving your data and identity secure and unshared. Any chat history can be deleted by the user.

MeetMe is extremely helpful for event organisers as it can aid crowd management. The MeetMe feature allows organisers to control the flow of traffic as guests arrive and exit the event.
Secure Meeting organiser Secure messaging
Personal secure diary address book
Sync is Fisheye Hubs user’s digital address book for centralising all your contacts making it available on any devices. It provides a smart address book that permits easy drag and drop and merge features for duplicate
contacts. It seamlessly links your address book with other leading communication apps such as WhatsApp, Facetime and native mobile phone calling. This simple but intelligent interface makes it easier to search and communicate easily.

Sync is an address book with a simple user interface which aims to help you protect your privacy and decide who you share data with.
Personal secure diary address book
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Personal security, Maps, Directions and Chatting
Lookout Community
This is an augmentation of Lookout Sentry whereby the communities are made of up of a group of sentries, to be utilised within community-based security solutions such as neighbourhood watch schemes, and could also be easily paired with smart city infrastructure solutions.
Personal security, Maps, Directions and Chatting
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Key Technical Highlight​s

Digital Footprint and Security

AES 256

Multilingual and Global



Modern Scalable Architecture

Serverless Architecture

High Grade cloud encryption

Secure-By-Design Privacy Controls

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 Instant Scalability

Easy integrations using API

SDK Integration 

with External App

Tech highlights


Fisheye Hub is an ethical location based service provider designed to provide a range of utilitarian solutions which allows everyday digital interactions to be conducted safely online. It connects people in a secure environment, giving you complete control of your data footprint. 


Coming soon...Fisheye Hub’s new Lookout feature. Subscribe now for more information.

  • Twitter - Fisheye Hub

Fisheye Technologies London is a UK based Company Reg: 07586702

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